Community of Practice Members: Sign In/Register

If your coalition is a part of the Building Better Regions Community of Practice, register for the member site to connect and share strategies, tools, and events with the 60 BBR coalitions and 300+ coalition members across the country.

The Building Better Regions CoP Member Site includes tools to:

  • Locate contact information for coalitions and CoP members across the country,
  • Share resources and updates with coalitions and CoP members,
  • Browse exclusive resources, tools, and templates shared by CoP members that are not on the public resources page,
  • Check out future events on the CoP calendar,

Sign up for access to the Member Site by registering with your email and creating a password. You will receive an email once you have been added.

Together we have a tremendous amount of knowledge and wisdom to share!

Forgot Password?


  • Your password can’t be too similar to your other personal information.
  • Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
  • Your password can’t be a commonly used password.
  • Your password can’t be entirely numeric.
Enter the same password as before, for verification.
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